For example, different varieties of apples supply different antioxidants. It even makes a quiet prediction about what illnesses may beset you and how long you're likely to live. I give permission to release tension I am holding, both physical and emotional. The guided meditation started and I followed her instructions …
more ...Just to provide some context for our international readers, who may not be familiar with Australia's geography and demography: Phil could have founded his coffee business in Melbourne, a city whose coffee obsession rivals that of the Italians (an ethnicity that also contributes significantly to Melbourne's current population), but he …
more ...They were not earnestly figuring out the answers, or making calculations on bits of scrap paper. People with addictions like drinking, smoking, and gambling are notorious for giving up and starting again, so helping you to escape from the trap is the first step. La Forgue self-flagellates with a tree …
more ...Susan Moorer Link: Sioux for Susan, Moor for Moorer. 5 grams per kilogram), it is by no means a high-protein diet. Sure, certain activities bring us pleasure because they fulfill our dharma, but there are many different ways to live in our dharma. You already learned how good old-fashioned, tried-and-true …
more ...There are disagreements in the therapeutic community about the classification of BPD as a personality disorder, and some therapists believe BPD could be treated more effectively if it were categorized as a dissociative disorder, along with DID. Only you know who has the key to your particular heart (Winnicott would …
more ...It's odd because I knew of some of my husband's behavior and suspected even more. Behind this concept (which is meticulously outlined in an excellent article by Ryan Tate called The 20% Doctrine) is the idea of constantly tinkering with potential trends--having a toe in interesting waters in case waves …
more ...Because the things that get through the filters are strongly influenced by the priorities and assumptions we take into the day, that gives us a huge opportunity. That amazing reward is fulfillment, and it will help sustain you during your habit change journey. Many of them talked about this battle …
more ...They also valued the medicinal properties of spices. There are times when we let people down: our kids, our friends, our partner, our family, or ourselves. But ultimately it will cause us to miss opportunities. If this past-focused panic relates to a dangerous situation or event that has bearing on …
more ...Within ourselves, we possess every trait and its polar opposite, every human emotion and impulse. I was not ready to identify myself publicly as a survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse when my first article, Courage in Patience, was released. Adolescents' behavior can be exasperating, infuriating, inscrutable, and unmovable. It would …
more ...We aim to provide the resources and tools for individuals to make an informed decision about birth control. As a little girl, she'd always felt a restless anxiety around her mother, part of her reaction to being smothered. Miss Har, after reading the transcription of some of her first interviews …
more ...To break this bad habit, Sally decides to go cold turkey. If you feel it moving into something negative, gently bring it back. She may have already begun to feel a creeping melancholy ahead of the birth. By learning to resist our negative, depressive thoughts and understanding the risks we …
more ...Generally, symptoms are mild to moderate and may include: And throughout your waking moments, your internal dialogue is active; you never stop saying things to yourself. Is anyone's guess with: Cancer and Virgo Suns because it's always on call. Intense physical exercise results in increased consumption of oxygen and increased …
more ...I thought about something I had read in Michelle Obama's article, Becoming. Engaging your rational brain as completely and as quickly as possible with a task that needs its unwavering attention can help. Hauser watched the video footage and organized the data, documenting each time the monkeys looked at the …
more ...Malaprop definitions fit a similar-sounding word better than the target word, as in this excerpt, where Henry My brother has a marble chess set that works for him--a game for children and adults alike--full of squares and made from one of the earth's more beautiful materials. That's how David and …
more ...It's similar to being of service - serving another person is free and brings love and appreciation to the one serving in this consciousness. Everyone can create such a transformative force field of love and connection. Apparently, everyone should use whatever appeals to them the most. Doing nothing is currently government …
more ...Five years and two kids have turned my scorn for overcivilized hiking into appreciation for sidewalks. In one final heartbreaking moment, I made the decision to give away my mother's table. In order to determine the nature of hallucinogen-occasioned spiritual experience,31 researchers studied reports from people who had taken …
more ...Many people find they don't sleep in the nights before the full moon. When I was in my early twenties, a guy I met on a beach volleyball court got me reading the Eastern philosophers and martial-arts masters. Western psychologists call it dissociation, by which they mean a detachment from …
more ...This is sometimes called the "rest and digest" mode, because it helps the body to heal and work smoothly. In contrast, when expectations are clear and basic material needs provided, positive emotions such as interest may result. Healthier habits, greater awareness, and routines and rituals gave me everything I needed …
more ...As long as the sand is falling in your hourglass, you have no time to waste on low-value thoughts, activities, habits, and people. You may need to try several different medications before you find one that helps with your symptoms. In most instances, the authors suggested basic actions and local …
more ...By this reckoning, it also encourages the taking of responsibility, whereas shame can make us want to hide away. I asked Giles - he of the slightly gloomy conviction that humanity was born to eat doughnuts - what his own tactics were in the fight against obesity. Although extremely unlikely, stress may …
more ...This is often more beautiful than one might think. For this reason, I've intentionally designed this as a hands-on workarticle. give myself credit for what I'm doing right: I've gotten a little better at not blaming myself for Michael's death. She usually asks when she feels me holding something back …
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